Olney Boys and Girls Community Sports Association Registration Portal
Welcome to the Olney Boys and Girls Club Registration System.
If you have any issues with the registration system or signing up for OBGC sports please email obgcadm@obgc.com. There are some common reasons you may be prevented from registering or using credit owed to you when registering. For those families with remaining credits on their account and are having trouble applying those credits to your registration OR if you are prevented from registering because you have an outstanding balance due on your account please contact Kim at obgcadm@obgc.com.
OBGC will continue to offer scholarships to families that qualify for the MCPS Free/Reduced Lunch program or equivalent in private schools. OBGC requires that a copy of the yearly approval letter be provided to the OBGC office annually. These approval letters are typically sent out in late August to families and are current for the upcoming school year. For OBGC, that approval will be accepted for the fall and winter seasons of one calendar year and the spring season the following calendar year (one school year).
This scholarship will require a once per season payment per registrant. The reduced fee cost is $50/player. There are no scholarships available for Travel sports, clinics or camps. Children will not be placed on teams until the fees are paid. Scholarships must be approved by the OBGC Administrator. Approval means having a current MCPS Form 240-31 (or equivalent) and payment of the seasonal fee.
REFUND POLICY FOR HOUSE SPORTS (travel leagues and camps/clinics will differ)
The following is the OBGC refund policy:
- Families will get a full refund if requested prior to registration closing or due to injury that prevents play for the remainder of the season.
- Families will receive a refund minus $25 for admin fees after practices have begun.
- Refunds for those who cancel after games have begun will be determined by the Administration.